.•*¨*•♫♪  On the Road Again  ♪♫•*¨*•.

Just like Willie Nelson’s song, we’re heading out on the road again, looking forward to being with “the best of friends” in our second home, Yellowstone National Park. It’ll now be my third year as a tour guide. As we left our home in Phoenix, Arizona, everything was in full bloom. It’s always hard to leave, but the hotter days are on the way, and I’m yearning to return to Yellowstone . . .  where it’s currently snowing! 













We made our way to Ely, Nevada, home of Dirt the Cat who lives at the Railroad Museum. Dirt lives where the engines are housed (can you tell?!) and keeps the rodents at bay. 

The famous “Dirt” the Cat!

It was fun to see snow on the mountains as we travel farther north.

As we traveled on it was fun to find Pronghorn, which we also see in Yellowstone. These guys are able to eat the abundant sage brush that is most everywhere.

We also found two Golden Eagles as we were traveling up into the Ruby Mountains. Such huge, majestic birds. They were flying fairly nearby but it was difficult to really get a good shot of them. Grateful I was able to obtain the photos that I did!

Outside of Elko, Nevada, we drove up into the beautiful Lamoille Canyon which is a valley carved by a glacier. This was especially fun as Yellowstone’s Lamar and Hayden Valleys were carved by glaciers as well. It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon.











About an hour outside of Boise we always drive by the historic water wheels in New Plymouth. Originally built in the 1920s, there are maybe only three left in operation. The canals brought water up into the farming community from the Payette River. These water wheels lift the water up and out into the fields. It is always such fun seeing them when we visit family living there.

Then it was on to Boise for another enjoyable visit with more family before finally heading up to Yellowstone. Boise has a terrific Farmer’s Market and it’s such fun to wander through the town. 

Wonderful Garden Art!

Great Bike Rack!

While in Boise it’s our tradition to always visit Kathryn Albertson Park and this day did not disappoint. Of course, as always, there was a plethora of Canada Geese.  But it was especially fun this time as there were lots of little goslings everywhere. The Lilac bushes are so incredible to see as they really can’t survive our hot summers in Phoenix.





Another day we visited the Foothills Learning Center and went on some nice hikes.



At the Center there is a wonderful Story Trail that has nature-related children’s books which change each month.



This month featured the beautiful book, “A Seed is Sleepy” by Dianna Hutts Aston. It is a captivating and quite informative kids’ book, wonderfully illustrated by Sylvia Long.







They also have beautiful artwork . . .

I love mosaic work and especially enjoyed this beautiful piece of work  . . .

The inlaid artwork on this piece was quite fun!

Black-billed Magpie



While there, we also were able to easily watch some (real) Great Horned Owlets born in the holes of the nearby canyon wall.  Apparently, there is a Belted Kingfisher and an American Kestrel nesting in these cliffs as well. Unfortunately, I was only able to get a glimpse of the Kingfisher but no photo.

Look closely at the larger hole in the middle



Even though I always truly enjoy our stay here in Boise, I am certainly looking forward to gettin’  .•*¨*•♫♪  On the Road Again  ♪♫•*¨*•.  returning to our second home. Yellowstone National Park.


I am an avid—insatiable—reader. But have always been baffled as to how in the world I came to enjoy reading so much. Maybe you’ll see why when I tell you my story of learning to read.

I’m feeling quite small, holding onto my dad’s hand walking me down a very long hallway. Quite vivid in my memory is how deathly quiet it is except for the echo of our shoes on the concrete floor. After walking what seemed like forever, we finally came to my new school classroom. Dad was in the Army. We were transferred according to their needs; not our school’s schedule. And school, of course, had already begun.

Dreading actually arriving at the classroom, we are finally standing in the doorway. The entire class is staring at me like I’m some kind of alien creature. Well, actually, I felt like an alien. I didn’t know anyone and was quite sure no one would like me anyway. Can you tell my poor little self’s esteem was not dealing too well with always having to go into new classroom situations every few years? It must have gone alright. Though I have absolutely no recollection of it. Just the sound of our shoes clacking on the floor of that oh-so-very-long hallway.

With all this moving around, I was a shy little girl with not a great sense of myself. I recall most especially the reading circle. I absolutely dreaded reading circle. With chairs in a circle, someone would start. As we would make our way around the circle, each one having to read a part of the book, I was in sheer dread of them finally getting to me. I was absolutely certain I would screw it up!

So there I am again. Everyone looking at me. Just as in the trauma of walking down that very long hallway, that same dreadful feeling of standing in the doorway of my new classroom. My entire world staring at me. Judging me. I was utterly certain I would never measure up. So, by the time it was my turn to read, I was a basket case! Absolute terror. Then, to make matters worse, my teacher would always make a big deal out of the fact that I’d scrunch up my face and lips into these weird contortions when I would come to a word I didn’t know—or know how to pronounce. How I ever got out of that alive is beyond me!

So how did I transition from the trauma of that reading circle so long ago to an such avid reader? As it turns out, I didn’t read much until many years after graduating from high school; I was just glad to be done with school. In my late 20s, I finally had a desire to learn more and return to school for a degree. As I started learning more, I wanted to learn even more—and in many different areas. Learning had become a joy. Mostly I wanted to understand myself, but also understand nature. Many years later I remembered those early hardships of learning to read. I realized it was my yearning to learn more, and to better understand myself and the world I live in, that kept me reading. Now I understand that it was my growing love and desire for learning that let me drop any trauma from those early years. Yes, I wish I was a faster reader and that I retained more from all the many books I read. But I don’t let that stop me from reading—and reading lots. I want to soak it all up like a sponge. So I’ve always got books I’m reading everywhere—and on many different subjects.

The miracle of my passion for reading is awe-inspiring to me and I’m grateful for that love . . . given the absolute trauma I put myself through learning to read. You’d think that, after that kind of start, I’d never want to pick up a book again. But, just the opposite, I would love it if I could read TEN books every day! And to be able to understand and retain it!

I have an incredible—ravenous—desire to learn more. Whether it’s about places, environments and critters, or how different writers share their stories. I am clearly passionate about learning and reading.


Dreaming of Yellowstone

I enjoy the slower pace and our wonderful Arizona winters when we’re home, but by this time of year I start getting impatient to be in Yellowstone as it pulls on my heart strings.

The Lower Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

I’m dreaming of waking each morning, looking out on the Lodgepole Pines, hearing the forest sounds, thinking, “I live here!”

Upper Geyser Basin at Old Faithful


Yellowstone is a most amazing spot.



Even more so because, as a tour guide, I’m blessed to be out and about the Park every day, showing the thermal features, animals, birds, trees and flowers to our visitors.

I’m dreaming of how, when we first arrive in early May, we get to watch the new bison calves chasing around . . .

Bison moms teaching calves to swim

. . . and the bears fresh from their winter dens wandering in search of food.

Grizzly mom and cub
Black Bear

If we’re really lucky we might have a chance to watch the wolf pups playing.

Doug McLaughlin photo of Junction Butte Pack alpha male leading pups back to den

By mid-summer we’re watching the bison sparing as they go into their rut season.

Bison Mating Season, Hayden Valley
Bison sparing, Lower Geyser Basin

Into late summer, the elk begin their rut season and it’s thrilling to hear the males bugling.

I’m dreaming of the antics of the smaller critters.

Yellow-bellied Marmot
Least Chipmunk
Uinta Ground Squirrel


The marmots, chipmunks, pikas, and ground squirrels sunning themselves. Sometimes even otters, pine martens, or a badger make an appearance.



















I’m dreaming of watching and listening to all the many birds as they migrate through. But my greatest joy is seeing the ever-present Osprey near the rivers, sometimes on their nests.

Osprey nest in Northern Range
Close up of Osprey adult and chick in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Osprey nest in Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Or the Bluebirds, so incredibly blue the color seems as though it could rub off on your hand.

Cliff Swallow nest at Hitching Post, Northern Range






And it’s always fun to spot the many different Swallows nesting everywhere.



Kildeer mom and chicks, Mammoth Hot Springs
Harlequin Duck, LeHardy Rapids

I’m dreaming of the many varied wildflowers, from the early spring Glacier Lilies coming up through the snow . . .

Glacier Lily
Arrow-leaf Balsamroot

. . . to the Arrow-Leaf Balsamroot looking so beautiful everywhere as they form their daisy-like bouquets.





As the season changes so do the wildflowers, all the way through to the Asters everywhere by the end of our summer. By then, the fall colors begin and I notice how the Aspen seem to magically appear through the Lodgepole Pines in their fall wardrobe. It is five months of constant change with an ever-changing growing season.

March begins our preparations, and brushing up on our knowledge of a special place. It is when I’m dreaming of returning to my favorite place on the planet—Yellowstone National Park.

A Major Milestone

Tomorrow I’ll be 70 years old. Hard to believe . . . but true.

It seems I was only recently in my 20s, 30s. What words of wisdom does 70-year-old Melinda have for that younger woman just beginning her life?

Don’t take everything so seriously. Not everything is such a tragedy. What will all the anger achieve? Trust the Peace of God. It will come. It’s always better when you take it slower and easier. Your fearlessness is wonderful . . . even when it takes what seems to be forever to let go of the apprehension (there she goes, running forth—finally—in fearless abandon)!  High Dive

When I was young, old was 30, 40 . . . 50 for sure. But by the time you were 70, you “mise well” be dead! Awww, the “wisdom” of youth.

I feel young. Certainly younger, even, than when I was young. In those younger days I would let so many concerns, fears and anger keep me stuck. You name it—work, money, life—whatever it was, I’d worry, fret, fume and be anxious about it. Depression often grabbed me like The Alien and I’d hide out for days.

It was gradual, but one day I awoke realizing the stress—that sense of just barely keeping depression at bay—was gone.

My life has transformed since those early “trauma/drama” days. I’ve worked with the “Course in Miracles” (www.acim.org) for over a dozen years, first hearing about the book in the 70s. But I really didn’t get it until I read “The Disappearance of the Universe” (www.garyrenard.com) when it first came out. I rode the bus to work in downtown Phoenix in those days and, when I’d finish it, I’d immediately begin again.  I must have read that book at least a half-dozen times. It was perfect. For me. It was exactly what I needed at the time. Through that book I returned to “The Course,” and have never “finished.” I’ll continue beginning my day with that book, no doubt, the rest of my life.

I’m grateful for the extraordinary life I’ve had thus far. I’m more joyful and have such peace in my life. Does age bring wisdom? For me it certainly has. Gone are the days when I worried about . . . well, you name it. I trust that I’m exactly where I need to be, until Spirit shows me what’s next. It always works out. Joy is a good thing. The peace of trusting God is a good thing.

It’s all good. Besides, as the title of this blog indicates (and my wonderful mom used to say), “It’ll never be noticed on a galloping horse.” Thank you mom! You were right. I’m thankful for my mom and my dad for bringing me into this beautiful world.    About Galloping Horse

Happy 70th Birthday Melinda!

Good to be back in Yellowstone!

Start back to work tomorrow! I’ll be doing tours again this summer and look forward to that, but it’s been wonderful to enjoy the Park before the summer crowds. The past five days we’ve just revisited our favorite spots.  Yellowstone really is such a magical place. It doesn’t matter what critters you have a chance to see, it is always spectacular and certainly never boring.

The obligatory tourist shot!

Our first day of course was spent in the Northern Range up to Cooke City.  Got to see the new wolf pups. A few pictures, but it’s quite a distance. I have a new camera this year and have gotten some great shots, but couldn’t really make out the pups in most.

Hanging out, guarding the den waiting for the pack to return
Mom and pups on den porch

The ospreys had returned to their nest again and enjoyed watching as they were both on the nest.

Ospreys on the Lamar River Canyon

We’ve enjoyed lots of other birds as well . . .

Western Meadowlark in Lamar Canyon
Common Merganser in Lamar Valley
Northern Flicker in Madison Canyon
Mountain Bluebird in Madison Canyon
Bald Eagle on partially-frozen Yellowstone Lake
Harlequin Ducks at LeHardy’s Rapids























One late afternoon we enjoyed watching the bison moms teaching the new reds (babies) how to swim the Lamar River.  It was amazing to watch as they started racing down the river in the current until they were able to get a foot hold. Once out of the water they’d kick up their heels and race toward the moms as if to be shouting, “I did it! Look at me!”

The pronghorn are always enjoyable to watch.

Male pronghorn showing black cheek patches

And then, of course, so special to get to observe the bears.

Baby Black Bear exploring
Black Bear mom and two cubs

And grizzly bears

Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear

I’m looking forward to a wonderful summer exploring more of this amazing place I call home for half of every year . . . Yellowstone National Park.


As I pull out suitcases in preparation for return to Yellowstone, my thoughts turn to last summer’s experiences. Discovering the serenity of walking in the forest.

Experiencing the power of the river as the water comes rushing around the corner to the Upper Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone dropping down right in front of me.

Yellowstone River tumbling over the Upper Falls


Remembering a child’s wide-eyed wonder seeing Old Faithful’s spectacular stream of ancient water.

Old Faithful from Mystic Falls overlook




Yellowstone has a way of pulling my heartstrings.




I relive my joy of seeing the awesome power of Beehive Geyser’s enormous firehose-like eruption, the beautiful rainbow appearing as it rains down on everyone.

Beehive Geyser



Beehive Geyser’s rainbow






I remember the astonishing sight of the Lower Falls tumbling down 308 feet.

The Lower Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone


I recall the massive bison herd crossing the road in front of me, the osprey’s call as it flies overhead with a trout winding its way back to the huge nest on the tall Lodgepole Pine.

I remember the emotion welling up inside me watching the majestic wolf pack from across the valley, realizing those incredible animals were virtually wiped out from this truly wondrous environment.

Wolf watchers on the Northern Range

There are so many images, whether captured in a camera lens or in my mind, that stay with me. Once again I’m drawn back to those awe-inspiring thermal features. But I’m also feeling drawn to the silent forest and the wonder of just who—or what—is making that sound. I’m looking forward to once again seeing those trees, hearing the breeze through the pine needles releasing their scent on a warm day. I’m eager to once again hear the Firehole River tumbling over rocks and cliffs,







and to watch the ice breaking up on Yellowstone Lake while hardly being able to see across that massive expanse of water.

Ice breaking up on Yellowstone Lake

Yes, Yellowstone pulls on my heart strings. My thoughts and remembrances of a place that is so very special to me now. We leave in a week to return to that extraordinary, magical place called Yellowstone National Park.


Thankful to now be part of a place I call home for almost half of each year.


It is 7:00 on a cold, gray and rainy morning in September at Yellowstone National Park. As a tour guide here in Yellowstone, I am driving myself to Grant Village at Yellowstone Lake to pick up my tour bus. Today I am to “step on” one of the outside tour buses coming into the Park. I’m spending the day with them, having fun interpreting the Park’s flora and fauna, history, geography, geology and ecology. What an opportunity! To share my joy, enthusiasm and knowledge, while helping them appreciate the many amazing qualities of Yellowstone National Park.

I start up over Craig Pass (rising up to over 8,000 feet) and see a sign reading, “Road Closed Ahead.” I pull over at Kepler Falls and radio my Dispatcher, “Ralf, I’m at Kepler; sign says the road’s closed ahead. What do you want me to do?” His response: “Well, it’s probably the South Entrance because of the fire closure. Let me know if you run into snow up there and call me when you get to Grant.” Right . . . Snow?! Okay, I can do this. But snow? I can’t remember the last time I drove in snow. I’ve lived in the southwest my entire driving life. Snow? Okay, Melinda, you can do this. It’s only rain.

It is absolutely beautiful though . . . and oh so quiet. Only a bit tense, I enjoy my drive to Grant Village, which actually isn’t far at all, and the rain pretty much subsides by the time I arrive. I call Ralf, “Everything’s good; no snow and it’s almost stopped raining.” “Okay, great. Thanks for letting me know.”

I pick up my tour bus and our first stop is the beautiful 125-year-old Lake Yellowstone Hotel. By the time we leave it is snowing. First the flurries. As we continue north the trees are absolutely magical with white everywhere  . . . snow.

It’s snowing!

It truly is a “Wonderland.”






“If you’ve ever wondered what Yellowstone is like in the winter, this will give you a bit of a glimpse,” I tell them. We saw bison herds in the Hayden Valley all covered in snow and even the white Trumpeter Swans in the Yellowstone River. White everywhere.  By the time we arrive at the Upper Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone the falling snow is covering everything  . . .


We’re socked in at the Lower Falls!







and we only heard the Lower Falls (with its 308-foot drop). “Listen. That is the sound of the biggest waterfall in Yellowstone.”  It was totally socked in.





The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone









Later we actually see Gibbon Falls over on the west side of the Park, with snow blanketing everything . . .

Gibbon Falls
The Gibbon River


Amazingly, every single one of these folks get out in the snow and walk all around the Lower Geyser Basin (Fountain Paint Pots) with me   . . .  in the snow.  It is absolutely beautiful seeing the thermal features, explaining how they work . . . in the silent falling snow.

View of Upper Geyser Basin from Old Faithful Inn balcony.
The Upper Geyser Basin area.
The Old Faithful Inn covered in snow.


And then . . . on to the Old Faithful area in the Upper Geyser Basin.














I am even more impressed with myself. I’m not cold. Mind you, I’m a low-desert rat from Phoenix, Arizona—having lived there for almost 23 years (and before that in Southern California for 30+ years). When I first arrived up here in late April I was always so very cold. I got teased by all the seasoned guides for being such a wuss. But I’d bark back, “Yeah, just you wait ‘Enry Iggins’ . . . When you guys are oh so hot this summer, who’ll be the wuss then!”  We’ve had many great laughs this summer. And I’ve definitely acclimated to this incredible place I love so much.

The snow has all but melted off now. We’ll be heading back to Phoenix in a few weeks . . .  where we know how to do winter (none of this -40 to -65 below stuff)!  But we’ll be back next summer. It has been a joy having this opportunity to show people the Park and just how unique, yet fragile, this amazing place is called Yellowstone National Park.

Snow is almost gone . . .
Snow is almost gone . . .








It could still snow again before we leave, but I’ve shown myself I can handle whatever happens . . . with joy and excitement because I live in Yellowstone National Park!


The Old Faithful Inn

In the early 1900s when the well-to-do Easterners came out west to see for themselves this amazing and strange “Wonderland” they had heard of in the Northern Pacific Railroad advertisements, they were no doubt excited, but nervous. They’d heard stories as well of Indians and bears that could kill them! So when they arrived—after their long, hot, dusty stagecoach ride from the railroad station in Gardiner, Montana—into the Upper Geyser Basin and Old Faithful, there stood this massive, impressive structure with its beautiful large banners beckoning them to the shelter and security of the Old Faithful Inn.

Close up (1)
Old Faithful Inn
Another Closeup
View from Upper Geyser Basin back at Old Faithful and the Inn
Front view looking up at dormers and flag observation platform
Back of the Inn covered in snow in early May

The Inn, with its massive seven-foot wrought iron-wrapped doors assured them of their safety from this new and strange land of geysers, hot springs, mud pots and steam vents—and, of course, from the Indians and bears.






This grand, new building was built by Robert Reamer, a young architect from San Diego recommended to Harry Child, President of the Yellowstone Park Association and Transportation Company. This was an association that was to last most of the rest of their lives.

Started in June of 1903, the Old Faithful Inn opened one year later in June of 1904. Those amazing, hardy workers who actually built this Old Inn labored through the winter to make sure it was completed in time for the summer season. And open it did! Over the past 112 years the Old Faithful Inn has become not only the icon of the Yellowstone National Park but of the National Park Service itself.

View of fireplace at night
Inside 2
Inside at night







View of the massive 42′ fireplace (one facing, of four, is lit) which extends past the roof another 40′ — Just under 60′ circumference.

I often wonder if Robert Reamer was deprived of having a tree house as a young boy, because he more than made up for that loss in his early years with this massive tree house that is the Old Faithful Inn. Standing 76-1/2 feet—seven stories—the Old Faithful Inn was built of not only the ever-present Lodgepole Pines but the Rhyolite boulders of the surrounding Park as well.

View just under Reamer’s small tree house of the orchestra area where they would play for the dances held for the guests in the early 1900s
View up to Reamer’s little tree house and area just under for the orchestra



View up to Reamer’s little tree house at the very top of the roof





Second floor view towards first-floor reception desk










Everyday during the summer thousands of people still come through her doors and look up, up, up in wonder and amazement. And every week or two I am privileged and overjoyed to spend my day sharing tours of this Old House with those interested in knowing more about this beautiful and unique Old House.

Perhaps Robert Reamer was trying to make a connection for those early visitors of long ago—through the Old Faithful Inn—it being a bridge from the wilderness outside to civilization inside. But today, 112 years later, people are still feeling the indoor experience of the outdoor forest in this oversized tree house built no doubt with love so long ago.

View from roof
The view from the observation and flag platform atop the Old Faithful Inn
Kayla raising flags
Bell Staffperson, Kayla, hoisting one of the eight flags and banners atop the Old Inn







A few years back an elderly woman visited the Inn, bringing her grandmother’s journal with her. As a young woman, her grandmother had visited The Inn pasting a postcard of the Old Inn into her journal, circling her room. The elderly woman shared her grandmother’s journal with the Bell and Front Desk staff and everyone was so excited, they immediately all proceeded out front to figure out which room her grandma had stayed in all those years ago. Unbelievably, that very room was available and they invited the woman to stay in her grandma’s room. Of course she did, sleeping in the room her grandmother had occupied 90 years earlier!

Connections. She had a connection not only to the Old House but to her grandmother. My connection to and love for this Old House grows every time I enter. It’s about all of our connections to not only this beautiful Old Faithful Inn, but to this incredibly strange and wondrous Yellowstone National Park with its many weird thermal features and wild-roaming animals. It is indeed a Wonderland.

Many thanks to Karen Wildung Reinhart and Jeff Henry for their thoroughly delightful book, Old Faithful Inn: Crown Jewel of National Park Lodges:  https://shop.yellowstonenationalparklodges.com/shop/books-dvds/old-faithful-inn-crown-jewel-of-national-park-lodges-by-karen-wildung-reinhart-and-jeff-henry.html

And a grateful thank you as well to Ruth Quinn for her absolutely wonderful book about Robert Reamer, Weaver of Dreams: The Life and Architecture of Robert C. Reamer                 https://www.amazon.com/Weaver-Dreams-Architecture-Robert-Reamer/dp/0976094517

The Namesake Geyser, Old Faithful
The Namesake Geyser, Old Faithful