It was the early 70s when I last did any weaving. I quit my full-time job (I was carrying a full load of night classes at Ventura College) to go to school full time. I got myself a job in the Plant Department at Lumber City (one of the early “big box” stores). I was in heaven! Ventura College is a beautiful campus on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Channel Islands. I was taking lots of art-related classes: photography, drawing, fiber arts. I loved all of it. At the same time I took California Native Plants classes and Art History, etc. I loved it all. As the saying goes . . . I was like a kid in a candy store. Trying anything and everything that interested me. I loved Ventura College and grew so much. I finally went on from there for my BA and MA, but Ventura College was always my “first love.”
So, why do I write of this? Now, over 50 years later, I’ve been enjoying getting back to exploring more creative expression. I began writing more almost 10 years ago now, which eventually led to my starting this blog: to have somewhere to put these written expressions. But over the past few years I’ve explored other creative expressions: mosaics, watercolor, collage, handmade books and . . . fiber arts. I’ve learned embroidery and using embroidery with fabric collage, but early last year I wanted to try weaving again.
I decided to either make or buy myself another small hand loom. We made our own looms in the 70s, even including carding and spinning wool on our own handmade drop spindles.
But checking costs online for a small hand-held loom ($75-80!) there was no way. I decided to make my own. I’d go to a second-hand store, get a wood picture frame and pound in a bunch of small nails evenly spaced across the top and bottom (to hold the warp yarn in place). Just like we did in those classes 50 years ago.
Then one day in early February 2024, someone put up for sale on the Facebook Marketplace a loom exactly like the ones I’d seen online for $75-80 — and she was asking only $5! What?!?Wow! I think this was meant to be.
So now here I am. Finally finishing up my first weaving in 50 years. I’ve enjoyed getting back to doing more creative projects over these last few years. It’s been fun getting back to those wonderful early years of creative expression while at Ventura College. I loved those days of sitting on the lawn looking out at the vast ocean and wanting to explore everything! I’ve continued a lot of that exploring over the years (rock climbing, parasailing, working as a tour guide in Yellowstone), and I’m grateful for that chance: always pushing through fears and doing it anyway.