Twelve days until we leave Yellowstone to return home to Arizona. Bittersweet. I’m looking forward to being home. But always miss Yellowstone when away. Such an incredible place to be able to live and work every summer.

What a blessing . . . to watch the change of seasons

to live right near these amazing thermal features . .

to enjoy all the incredible animals . . .

And . . . have fun with our “family” of wonderful friends and co-workers.
The folks on my tours this year have especially added yet another blessing—a Godsend really.
Being out in the Park most everyday, is sometimes painful . . . to see the lack of respect and caring some have for this, our very first National Park. I know. It isn’t everyone. In fact, it’s only a very small percentage. But it’s been heartbreaking to witness nonetheless. This year especially I’ve been ever more grateful for those with whom I’ve had the opportunity to share “my” very loved piece of the planet.

I am indeed blessed and thankful for those who want to know more about Yellowstone and who obviously care about keeping it “preserved and protected for future generations” (the mandate of the National Park Service). It is a privilege indeed.

Thanks for sharing…pixs and your love of the park.
I haven’t updated my blog in months. Something I plan to do in next couple weeks